Showing Appreciation

Employees are at the heart of most businesses. So, it is essential to show them appreciation when they do a good job or lead the company towards its objectives. Doing so can increase morale and keep your employees happier. 

But, if employees do not feel appreciated, they may leave your company and look for better opportunities elsewhere. Showing appreciation may be easier, less expensive than you think, and well worth the cost if your business is generating profits from your employees’ efforts.  

Why Recognizing Your Employees Can Make a Difference

Your employees must trust you if you want your business to operate smoothly. One of the best ways to increase employee trust is to recognize them and show them you appreciate their contributions to the firm. 

Showing employee appreciation goes beyond just giving them a pat on the back. It is also about the sincerity behind your actions and the individuality of the reward. You might have to get creative to find the right way to thank your workers. In addition, not all rewards will be suitable for all individuals. So, customize when you can.  

How you show employees appreciation can also depend on your company’s budget and the job or accomplishment they produced. In addition, appreciation can take various forms, such as gift cards, vacations, or cash bonuses.  

How to Show Employees Your Company Appreciates Them

There are many ways you could show your employees how much you appreciate them. These can include the following:

  • Give them a meal or tasty treats. Most people love to eat. So, one of the best ways to show appreciation is by providing employees with a nice meal or offering them tasty treats like cupcakes or pies. Companies like Edible Arrangements can make cookies or other goodies look like a bouquet of flowers or other fun items. So, you can get creative with food-related gifts and rewards. 
  • Recognize them on social media. Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram are great places to get the word out about how well an employee performs. You could also tag your employee(s) in a post on their birthday, work anniversary, or other special occasions. Going this route can highlight your employees’ achievements to business and personal contacts and could even lead to others outside your business praising or congratulating them. 
  • Present them with a cash bonus. While cash is not necessarily a unique gift, most people appreciate having more money in their wallets or bank accounts. Cash can also allow recipients to choose how they would like to spend the reward. In some cases, employees may opt to save cash bonuses and add the funds to an investment or retirement account. This could pay off nicely in the long run, especially if the account’s value increases over time.
  • Surprise them with a gift card. Similar to handing out cash is giving gift cards. Individuals can use these like cash at restaurants, retail shops, and a wide variety of other online and “brick and mortar” establishments. If you know where your employees like to shop or eat, giving them a gift card is a great way to show them how much the company appreciates their hard work. If your company has logoed apparel like tee shirts and jackets, another possible reward option could be to give employees credits to shop in the “store.” 
  • Give employees some time off. Time is a precious commodity,  and many people never seem to have enough of it. So, show your appreciation by giving them a day off with pay. Doing so can allow them to relax, recharge and come in refreshed and ready to take on more projects. 
  • Spend one-on-one time with them. Depending on the size of your company, you may not be able to spend individual quality time with each of your employees. So, spending one-on-one time at lunch or another event could show the employee how much you value them and their contributions to the business. It could also allow you to learn more about them, their family, and any outside interests they have. 
  • Take the entire team out for a meal, event, or vacation. If you want to show appreciation for a group of employees or team members, take them to an event, such as a concert or a nice dinner. Doing so can show your gratitude and build team morale amongst the entire group. Depending on your company and its rewards budget, you may consider taking a weekend getaway trip or even a week-long cruise with employees who have performed well at the company. 
  • Have employees show appreciation to each other. Small, regular shows of appreciation can go a long way towards motivating your staff members. While employees typically appreciate the praise from managers and leaders, allowing them to send kudos to each other can be a fun activity that could also increase morale. You could set up this peer-to-peer recognition in many ways, such as having them send email messages, presenting coworkers with award certificates, or giving them points to “cash in” for clothing, extra vacation days, or other similar rewards. 

Does Your Company Show Appreciation to Its Employees?

With so many employees working remotely today, it can be challenging to notice the hard work that coworkers and employees put in. Therefore, ensuring that you show appreciation for jobs well done is even more critical now. 

If your company is looking for creative ways to reward loyal and productive employees, working with a specialist in the area of motivation can help you come up with ideas customized to your business’s specific needs. 

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