Keeping the Peace

Employees are more productive in a peaceful workplace where they know they are appreciated and can work harmoniously with others. However, this can be difficult to attain and maintain, as people in a place of business may have different backgrounds, and not everyone can relate easily to one another. 

The good news is that managers and company leaders can use strategies to raise awareness and make peace a valued attribute. This, in turn, can lead to happier workers and higher productivity. 

How to Better Ensure Peace in the Workplace

Regardless of where you work, there are some ways you can keep the peace in your business, such as:

  • Not being a stressor for others
  • Examining the way your behavior affects other people
  • Keeping the lines of communication open
  • Establishing loyalty and trust
  • Being aware of other people’s needs
  • Turning empathy into bonding
  • Being the change that you want to see

Not Being a Stressor for Others

Peace begins when company leaders and managers dedicate themselves to being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. In many cases, people are the cause of workplace stress versus external forces. 

With that in mind, managers should not add to employees’ angst by doing things that can provoke stress, such as:

  • Joining cliques
  • Gossiping 
  • Taking sides in office politics
  • Increasing tension that is already in the air

Examining How Your Behavior Affects Other People

The actions and behavior that lead to stress apply in personal and business situations. Therefore, being honest about various tendencies you have to be demanding or a perfectionist is essential.

You should also avoid criticizing others in public and always pushing to get your way. These negative behaviors can lessen employee productivity even if you are at a management or leadership level. They can also injure your relationship with the employees and other managers you contact regularly. 

Keeping the Lines of Communication Open

Managers and company leaders should never isolate themselves. Instead, keeping the lines of communication open at all times can make employees more comfortable and ultimately happier and more productive. 

When employees feel they are getting the silent treatment, they can feel like you are judging them or not happy with their production. This can result in reduced production and possibly loss of workers to other companies. 

It would also help if you never used gossiping or complaining as a form of communication. Instead, when you interact with employees and other managers, you should emphasize appreciating them, offering mutual support, and being a good listener. 

Establishing Loyalty and Trust

By establishing loyalty and trust, you can go a long way towards keeping peace in the workplace. The higher your position is in the company, the more employees should ideally trust you. 

Some of the primary needs that employees in all types of businesses report include:

  • Feeling loyalty from leaders and managers
  • Knowing their jobs are secure 
  • Having their managers follow through on decisions and keep their word
  • Not having leaders play favorites
  • Managers taking responsibility for their own missteps rather than blaming others

Being Aware of Other People’s Needs

While many people share common needs, no two are alike. For example, people strive to feel safe and secure in almost any situation. They also want to feel accomplished and rewarded fairly in the workplace. 

In addition, workers wish to be heard and valued. Workers may leave your company and go elsewhere if they are not meeting these needs. So, company leaders and managers must regularly notice workers’ accomplishments and let them know how valued they are. 

Turning Empathy into Bonding

Although you may sympathize with someone having a tough time, people often don’t take action in these situations. But when you activate empathy, you can create an emotional bond with another individual.

It is important to note that when you empathize with somebody on a personal or business level, you do not have to become entangled in their issues, even though you offer them a helping hand or a listening ear. 

A good place to start is by bonding with an individual on a safe plane, such as letting them know how much you appreciate their work and encouraging them to tell you their ideas. Once you establish trust at this level, the bond will be able to grow stronger over time. 

Being the Change That You Want to See

The famous Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi said people should be the change they want to see in the world. This can apply in every aspect of life, including the workplace. However, trying to change other people does not work. Often, going this route will only bring about resistance. 

However, you can set a good example by initiating the changes. When you do, people may start to follow you, which can create inertia for you and others, including your employees and other leaders, to continue moving forward. 

Are You Keeping a Peaceful Work Environment at Your Company?

Deepak Chopra, a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, says, “Peace begins by dedicating yourself to being part of the solution.” If you become a unit of peace, you can achieve inner satisfaction of a special kind.

Yet, simply talking about peace will not make it happen. You must take action. Otherwise, things will only stay the same or even become worse. If you want to ensure a more peaceful workplace, it can help if you use the strategies discussed above. You can also work with a specialist in human relations who can guide you through the process based on the needs and goals of your specific business. 

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