54% of workers can’t fully disconnect during PTO—3 tips for avoiding a ‘workcation’

Fighting burnout requires maintaining a healthy work/life balance. But when people advance in their careers and rise through the ranks of their organizations, it may take a lot of work to establish limits, particularly when it comes to free time.

54% of American employees say they can’t stop working while on vacation or don’t think they can genuinely unplug when using paid time off, according to new research. With 65% of workers aged 45 and over reporting that they cannot disconnect from work during their holidays, this is even more obvious among senior professionals.

Professionals value paid time off greatly; 63% of workers say they’ll reject a job offer if it doesn’t contain it. However, if all of your paid time off is spent returning calls and emails, you won’t be getting the most out of your vacation.

Setting clear limits is the first step to mending “workcations,” The best advice for preventing workcations during a conversation is highlighted in three steps to ensure you unplug when not at work.

Make your pastimes a habit.

Prioritizing hobbies is crucial to maintaining a healthy work/life balance since they keep you motivated, help you relax, and reduce stress—workers who select a hobby they like and be deliberate about scheduling time for it throughout the week.

Schedule time for exercise with friends, which is beneficial since it offers me breaks from work, is sociable, and keeps me in shape and in good health. Work out on average five times a week and run two to three times with friends since it’s beautiful to converse and unwind. Also, play soccer once or twice a week since, as before, it helps me properly shut off and focus on the game.

Additionally, go above and beyond to remove all potential sources of distraction from the time spent engaging in his interests. To prevent the constant pinging that may happen, especially in a multinational firm like ours, shutting off many of my alerts in the evening is expected.

Get Your phone off when you are off.

The biggest obstacle to genuinely enjoying our time off of work might be our phones. Constant work alerts may push you to send one final email that leads to more. Switching off your phone will prevent this.

One of the finest methods is to turn off the phone and leave it off for the week. Your team, who needs you immediately, may call your spouse instead. That is an excellent technique for the team to determine whether or not their call is crucial!

Moreover, you may use a Circle Loop app to contact clients without giving up their cellphone numbers. As a result, you may log out of your phone app and stop receiving calls.

Take active vacations.

The main reason why many individuals book a trip is to unwind. Rest is necessary for recharging, whether in bed, on the beach, or by the pool. But when arranging vacations, choosing active holidays is the best. Please select the best destination so that I can unwind.

You may travel to the French Alps in the summer for hiking, bicycling, jogging, and bathing in lakes. Several hobbies might assist you in switching your concentration and distract your mind. If you were on the beach or pool, you might be tempted to check messages. It might be hard to unwind as a business owner, but being active is beneficial.

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Larry Kitch is a 52 year old Angel Investor and Author hailing from Boston, Massachusetts. With years of experience in the business world, Larry has established himself as a prominent figure in the start-up community, known for his keen eye for investment opportunities and his numerous publications on business start-ups.

As an Angel Investor, Larry has been involved in many successful ventures, offering his expertise and financial support to promising start-ups across a range of industries. He is highly regarded for his ability to identify high-potential companies and guide them towards success.

In addition to his work as an investor, Larry is also an accomplished author. He has written multiple books on the topic of starting and growing a business, sharing his insights and experiences to help aspiring entrepreneurs achieve their goals.

Outside of his professional life, Larry enjoys spending time with his family and staying active. He is an avid runner and participates in several races each year. He is also a passionate traveler and enjoys exploring new destinations whenever he can.

The other strategy is to do regular assessments of the environment in which the employees are working in with special attention being given to diversity issues.

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